Council okays Vinotok event permit

The fire is under control

The Vinotok fire finale has always been a concern of local safety personnel but each year the festival organizers, town marshals and firefighters work something out. This year is no exception. While you shouldn’t expect a fire as big and hot as last year, the September 24 bonfire shouldn’t disappoint.
Former Crested Butte fire protection district assistant chief Bob Wojtalik is the Vinotok fire marshal and has been working with Chief Marshal Tom Martin and Fire Chief Ric Ems.



“We’ve learned from last year’s experience and it will be better this year,” Wojtalik promised the Crested Butte Town Council at the September 6 meeting. “I’ll supervise the building of the bonfire and guard it after it’s constructed.” Apparently some rogue nymphs added extra accelerants to last year’s bonfire before it was lit.
Wojtalik and his Vinotok fire helpers will do a test fire before the actual Saturday bonfire. The finale fire will be located in the Chamber of Commerce parking lot at the Four-way Stop and built to a diameter no larger than 16 feet. The fire will start sometime around 8:30 p.m. and be put out by 10 o’clock.
Vinotok organizer Molly Murfee reminded the council that Vinotok was about more than the fire. “The fire is the focal point but lots of other things go into the festival,” she said. “We have won the News’ Best of the Butte contest for Best Local Event since 2006. It is 100 percent volunteer-run. I bet there are more than 100 volunteers used to put it on.”
Murfee told the council that the festival is a draw for tourists as well as for locals. “People from across the nation come to this crazy event,” she said. “Restaurant owners have told us it is one of the busiest nights of the year for them.
“It has a bit of a bad boy reputation,” Murfee continued. “But we are a festival of storytelling. We train the volunteers to limit the chaos. Bob was brought in to make the fire safer. We have worked with Western State to address concerns over student issues. Vinotok has a beautiful ambiance of chaos but it is really organized and lots of people have put a lot of work into it. Sometimes the support of the town feels squishy in certain respects but we appreciate the support we get from the town. “
The council told Murfee they appreciate the fall festival and unanimously approved the special event application for the festival. Vinotok runs from Sunday, September 18 and climaxes Saturday, September 24.

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