Skatepark may shift over to Seventh Street

Less pushback expected than if it went to Rainbow 

by Mark Reaman

The town staff will check out a possible new location for the Crested Butte skatepark behind Pitsker Field, where the sand volleyball court and horseshoe pits are located.

The Big Mine Park Master Plan process has determined that to have a longer, safer sledding hill, the skatepark would have to move. The town staff brought three primary alternatives to the council at the Monday, May 4 council meeting, but the council didn’t like any of them. All were located near Rainbow Park and Eighth Street and would either take away a potential affordable housing lot or be located too close to a residential neighborhood.

Council member Roland Mason suggested switching the skatepark site to the area along Seventh Street where the volleyball court and horseshoe pits are now.

“I think there would be less angst if we moved the skatepark there instead of over by Rainbow Park and the new houses,” Mason suggested. “It is easy and cheap to relocate those volleyball and horseshoe facilities and they would work in the summer over at Big Mine when the hill isn’t used for sledding. The volleyball community is growing and perhaps there would be room for two courts in that area. I think it is a better fit along Seventh.”

Town parks and recreation director Janna Hansen said it was an idea worth investigating.

Town planner Michael Yerman said there was a sewer line running beneath the volleyball court but it could be relocated if need be. “The last thing you want is to build a concrete structure on top of the sewer line and then have something happen,” added town public works director Rodney Due.

“I agree we would probably get less pushback if we placed it there instead of Eighth Street,” said councilman Jim Schmidt. “Roland’s idea is really good.”

“Let’s remember that the size of the skatepark will determine the cost and the cost might impact future ideas like a potential rec center,” noted mayor Aaron Huckstep.

“Let’s see what is possible,” said councilman Skip Berkshire. “Not everyone gets to be an astronaut.”

Mason said he has seen skateparks that delineate various age and skill levels and that would be ideal for a new Crested Butte skatepark. “Let’s look at square footage and obstacles. If that spot works, I’d like to see movement on that soon.”

Huckstep made it clear to the staff that the council “has serious hesitations” with the three Rainbow Park and Eighth Street alternative sites presented. “If it can’t go into Town Park, we’ll want to revisit this again,” he said.

The staff will look at the new proposal and report back to the Town Council.

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