Burn the grumps…
We are in the heart of the fall festival of Vinotok. Maidens, mothers, iron pours, community dinners all culminating Saturday with a big bonfire at the Four-way stop. Don’t forget to put your “grumps” in one of the boxes located around town. Those grumps will be burned off Saturday night.
CB Film Fest coming up too…
The Crested Butte Film Festival is right around the corner as well. It is a great fall festival and opens a window to the world. There are lots of good, interesting films slated for the event so put that on your calendar for the weekend starting September 24 and running through the 27th. It actually kicks off with a free film Thursday, September 17. Poached is a compelling film that will show for free at the Center for the Arts at 7 p.m.
Film to benefit Legacy Project
Speaking of films…Don’t miss a special screening of Unbranded, The Film on Thursday, October 1 at Western State Colorado University, brought to you by Chopwood Mercantile with proceeds to benefit Gunnison Ranchland Conservation Legacy and the conservation of ranchlands in the Gunnison Valley. Doors open at 6 p.m. with raffle prizes . The movie starts at 7 p.m. This award-winning independent film details 3,000 miles, 16 wild horses, five states, four men, and one goal: to ride from Mexico to Canada on an adventure of a lifetime through the deepest backcountry in the American West. Don’t miss this beautiful film.
Travel to Nepal with Talie (at the museum)
Local world traveller Talie Morrison is giving a talk Thursday, September 17 at the Crested Butte Heritage museum. It is part of the Summer Speaker Series and she will focus on her spring trip to India and Nepal. She was in Nepal for the earthquakes and helped raise money for aid. The event starts at 7:30 p.m. and is free. For more info, call 349-1880.
Zumba is just a funny word
But it is also a total body workout and the Gunnison Arts Center has a class being taught by Heidi Grant. Visit the Gunnison Arts Center online at www.gunnisonartscenter.org for more details and to register or drop by at 102 S. Main St. in Gunnison to find out specifics.
Cemetery noxious weed maintenance day
Help make your final resting place more beautiful on Saturday September 19, from 9 to 11 a.m. Join others at the Crested Butte Cemetery to pull noxious weeds on a summer Saturday morning. Please remember to bring your favorite gardening implement, work gloves and water. There will be snacks. For further information go to www.townofcrestedbutte.com contact Betty Warren or Jessie Earley at 349-5338.
September 17– John Featherman, Aidan Poswalk
September 18– Colleen Hannon, Tim Clark, Chris Gelroth, Phyllis Cowell, Greg Hunt
September 19– Kibber Crank, Gilly Cozadd
September 20– Walter Green, Kyrie Sharpe, Judd Parr, Holly Reycraft
September 21– Jerry Chiles, Lyn Ewert, Susie Sparks, Kerry Folger, Clara Schulte, Jack Hughes, Mickey Cook, Jill Cooper
September 22– Robin Brazell, Denis Hall, Emma White and Jessie White, Ryan Loflin
September 23– Max Cozadd, Chris Pogoloff, Dr. Dan, James Beltz, Taylor Tyzzer
email [email protected] to add your birthday to the list.
Cameos: What’s your inner creature?
Mike Preston
Great Blue Heron
Lainy Dowis
Dayna Regan
Mountain goat
Ariel Olson
A stoke monster
Adam Is Stoked
HISTORICAL HUMOR: Dave Elhert portrayed Abraham Lincoln in a live theatrical production at the Old Rock Library on Tuesday, September 8. photo by Lydia Stern
HICK AT THE GOVERNOR’S CONFERENCE: Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper spoke to state tourism officials as part of the Colorado Governor’s Tourism Conference being hosted in Mt. Crested Butte this week. photo by Deb Brannon
CONGRATS: Geronimo Fox Stephenson was born August 27, 2015 at 4:10 p.m. weighing 7 lbs. 7 oz. and measuring 21 inches long. Proud parents: Jay and Stephanie, awesome big bro and sis: Shiloh and Sasha Lou. courtesy photo