Celebrate Father’s Day at CBMR
Join Crested Butte Mountain Resort to celebrate Father’s Day this Sunday, June 19. With the purchase of a child’s ticket, the father gets a complimentary ticket for use on Father’s Day. Also, please note that the BagJump opens June 29.
Spruce up local trails
Join the Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association this Saturday, June 18 at 10 a.m. to work on 401 and next Wednesday, June 22 at 4 p.m. to work on the Green Lake Trail. And don’t miss the Not2Bad (bike) movie premiere this Saturday after the workday at 5 p.m. at Butte 66, presented in partnership with CBMR. Raffle prizes, sweet movie, benefits to CBMBA! Come support the club that supports shreddy track!
Adult soccer tournament
The Crested Butte Kickers will be defending their home fields against teams from throughout the state Saturday and Sunday, June 18-19. The Kickers play at 8:30 a.m. at Rainbow and 11:30 a.m. at the school field. The championship game will be on Sunday at Rainbow at 1:30 p.m.
Celebrate Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice is on Monday! Practice the Yoga Mala 108 to mark the sacred juncture of spring into summer at Yoga for the Peaceful. Modifications are offered to make this practice accessible for EVERY body! There is a suggested donation of $20 and refreshments will be served after the practice. Please come join us in the new studio space at 326 Elk Ave. on June 20.
Drum and dance at the Pump Room
Join special dance and drum classes. Dancers are encouraged to take drum class to experience and internalize the rhythm. Drummers are encouraged to play for dance class, putting their knowledge to work. The same rhythm will be explored in both classes on Thursday, June 16 at the Pump Room. Drum with Salim 5:30 to 7 p.m. and dance with Mecca 7 to 8:30 p.m. Classes are $15 each or $25 for both.
Encore Entrepreneurship at Crested Butte Library
Are you wondering how to discover and implement what you want to do with the next scene of your life? Local entrepreneur Deborah Tutnauer returns to Old Rock Library on Thursday, June 23 at 6 p.m. with a workshop for retirees or those dreaming of transitioning from their current career to something new. Call (970) 349-6535 to reserve your spot for this workshop.
Gunnison County Republican dinner
Remember to reserve your tickets for the Gunnison County Republican Lincoln Dinner on Friday, June 24, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Multi-purpose Building at the Rodeo Grounds. Call 349-7744 or email [email protected].
June 16- Hilde Nachtigall, Hope Wheeler, Sam Lumb, SusanMarrion, Jay Barton
June 17- Tamara Ayraud, Nan Lumb, Margo Covelli, Chris Zeiter
June 18- Mark Phwah, Ava Lypps, Chuck Cerio, John Banker, Heather Paul Featherman, Dave Penney, David Baxter
June 19- Polly Huck, Nolan Probst, Jimmy Faust
June 20- Heli Peterson, Margot Levy, Bill Frame, Jr., Vic Shepard, Lindsay Kopf, Alana Dietrich
June 21- Kathy Freed, Ward Weisman, Jake Jones, Jackson Melnick,
June 22- Mickey Cooper, Sandy Sullivan, Bess Baskfield, Tom Cutler
What is your favorite wildflower?