Kome Kampout with KBUT
The KBUT Kampout will take place on Saturday, August 27 at the I Bar Ranch in Gunnison. This one-day, overnight music festival features the very best in local talent as well as major world-renowned acts such as the Monophonics, the New Orleans Suspects and Denver’s own Analog Son. Come out for the live music event of the year, bring the family, and camp out in the beautiful Colorado countryside along the banks of the Tomichi River. For a complete shuttle schedule about the event, visit KBUT.org/Kampout.
Clear, Focused Book Writer’s Workshop
WritingStrides coach and award-winning writer Alissa Johnson is hosting a one-day workshop, “The Clear, Focused Book Writer,” through the Old Rock Library on Saturday, August 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This program is ideal for writers who have an idea for a novel or memoir, or have written a first draft of one and suspect that revisions will involve a lot of rewriting. The workshop will cover how to organize your thoughts and ideas, create a plan for writing, and stay focused and motivated, and will provide opportunities for writing and sharing part of your work-in-progress, including positive, helpful feedback from the group. The full workshop is $20 and lunch is included. Sponsored by Friends of the Library. Register at 349-6535.
School immunization clinic
School starts August 29 and kindergarten children need boosters of DTaP, Polio, MMR and Varicella, usually given in two injections. Sixth graders need Tdap for school entry, but this is also the time to start optional vaccines such as HPV, Hepatitis A and Meningococcal. Gunnison County Public Health will hold an additional vaccination clinic day on August 25 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Medicaid, CHP+ and most insurance are accepted. No one will be turned away for inability to pay. Appointments may be scheduled by calling Public Health at (970) 641-0209.
Met Rec district looking for your feedback
The Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District (MetRec) is conducting a survey and registration of people using its Over-the-Air Television Translator system. The district is revising its strategic plans and is working to determine how viewers use its system. If you use the district’s television system, it is very important that you participate in our survey and registration. The survey takes only a few minutes but will help the district to serve you better. Take a few minutes and participate in the survey. Go to http://GCMRD.org and take the interactive survey online or call (970) 252-6420 and take the survey over the phone.
Busy month coming up at the Senior Center
The Senior Center Book Group discussion will be at 1 p.m., September 7. On Friday, September 9 the video of the oral history of Glenn and Melva George will be shown at 3 p.m. Tracy Morton from The Center for Independence will present “Gizmos, Gadgets and Thing-A Ma Jigs” on Wednesday, September 14 at 1 p.m. A new class, Stepping On: On Building Confidence and Reducing Falls will be on Tuesdays from 9 to 11 a.m., September 27 to November 8. Bridge will continue throughout August and September on Mondays at 12:45 p.m. Mah Jong continues on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. Come and enjoy art fun on Friday afternoons in August.
August 25- Sigrid Cottrell, Jerry Bigelow, Mary Chandler, Jessica Rutherford, Val Jaquith
August 26- Kerri Councilman, Wyatt Ewert, Lee Olesen, Chris Ladoulis
August 27- Nancy Wicks, Mick Osmundson, Read Hunker, Kiara Cottrell, Terry Vaughn, Craig Burbank, Monica Harrington, Kay Peterson Cook, Wayde Hollis
August 28- Betsey Friedman, Susan Parker, Charlie Reamer
August 29- Sam Evans, Jon Morrissey, Mary Baim, Scott Moss, Ben Pritchett, Dianna Dickerson, Sierra Brooks, Summer Lambro, Carter Beesley, Olivia Reamer, Lisa Cramton
August 30 – Steve Jennison
August 31- Rene Defourneaux

Hillary Robb

test-taking skills.
Jade Schichtel

Paula Sieve

and spray paint.
Trevor Felder

Todd Barnes