Celebrate Hanukkah for a few more days
In case you were wondering, the Hanukkah holiday lasts eight days and the lighting of the Hanukkia outside of the Brick Oven will take place through Friday, December 30. The lighting occurs at 6 p.m. sharp and everyone is invited to celebrate the light. If you want to continue the celebration on Friday, the B’nai Butte congregation is holding a Shabbat/Hanukkah pot luck on December 30 at 6:30 p.m. Call (970) 349-5136 for details.
Volunteer at the local library
If you are interested in volunteering at the library for a few hours a week, helping shelve items, please contact [email protected]. High school and middle school students interested in service projects are encouraged to consider this opportunity. This would be a great chance to hang out at the coolest library in town, be social and do a few hours of fun work.
The Art of Relaxation at the Gunnison Arts Center
When it comes to creativity, are you able to relax and let insecurities go? Learn how to practice the Art of Relaxation in a mindfulness workshop that will give you tools to clear the mind so creativity flows, in the Gunnison Arts Center’s Dance Studio with instructor Mary Burt on Saturday, January 7 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The fee is $20 per person for participants aged 13 and older. The session will start out with a mindful doodling activity, stretch it out with some easy restorative yoga for the hands and shoulders, and end with a long guided meditation. You’ll leave restored with tools to strengthen the mind and relax the body. Please bring a yoga mat/pad and blanket. Register at 102 S. Main Street, call us at (970) 641-4029 or visit gunnisonartscenter.org.
Clear, Focused Book Writer’s Workshop
WritingStrides coach and award-winning writer Alissa Johnson is bringing the Clear, Focused Book Write’s Workshop back to the Old Rock Library on Saturday, January 21 from 9 a.m. to noon. This program is ideal for writers who have an idea for a novel or memoir, or those who have written a very rough draft of one and suspect that revisions will involve a lot of rewriting. The workshop will cover how to organize one’s thoughts and ideas, how to create a plan for writing, and how to stay focused and motivated, and will provide opportunities for writing. The full workshop is $15 and sponsored by Friends of the Library. Space is limited. Call now to register at 349-6535.
Events at the Senior Center
The Senior Center book group will meet on Wednesday, January 4 at 1 p.m. to discuss Along the Infinite Sea by Beatriz Williams. Come and join the conversation. Bridge on Mondays at 12:45 p.m. continues in December and January as well as Mah Jong on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. The art group will continue meeting in January at 1 p.m. on Fridays. These events are at the Senior Center 200 E. Spencer Ave and everyone is welcome.
Paint Your Own Pottery at the GAC
Create a special keepsake or gift at one of the Gunnison Arts Center’s Paint Your Own Pottery Friday night events. New this winter, the GAC is offering these PYOP events in conjunction with the communities First Friday ArtWalks. Make the most of this creative night out and join others back in the Clay Studio as you are out exploring the stops. Great for families, co-workers, or friends. For more information, stop in at 102 S. Main Street, call (970) 641-4029 or visit gunnisonartscenter.org.
December 29- Molly Frame, Alexandria Howe, Michele Zembal, Johnny Monek, Wendy McDermott
December 30- Morgan Cavanaugh, Bill Wolfson, Ella Reamer
December 31- Cath Sherrer, Judy Esposito, Kiera Rossman, Pete Carrigan, Bugs DuVal, Robin Cox, Diane Dodd, Joel Lewis
January 1- Emma Lambro
January 2- Sarah Keene, Cathleen DeMuth, Michelle Gerber
January 3- Patsy Lucci
January 4- Aiden Truettner, Broderick Truettner, Conrad Truettner

Cameo Question: What do you want more of in 2017?

Mary Sallman

Lauren Santo

Nick Santo

Kady Otzko

Linda Santo