Take a walk on the wild side
The Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum will hold a special themed historic walking tour this Saturday, July 21 from 9 to 11 a.m. The tour will feature the history of 2nd Street, once the hub of Crested Butte. This stretch of pavement tells stories of bars, brothels, coal-men, and jailbirds. Meet in front of the Museum at 4th and Elk for this brand new tour. The cost is $12 for members and $15 for non-members. Register by calling the Museum at (970) 349-1880 or go to www.crestedbuttemuseum.com.
Free journaling workshop from Living Journeys
Cancer patients, survivors, and supporters are invited to a free two-part workshop on journaling, offered through Living Journeys, Gunnison County’s community cancer support organization. The workshops, “Write Your Way into Healing,” will be held on Wednesday, July 25 and Friday, July 27 in Sunset Hall, 349 Teocalli Ave., Crested Butte South. It’s located in Red Mountain Park next to the fire station. Parking is located behind the building. Each session begins at 6 p.m. and lasts for 90 minutes. There is no cost and writing materials will be supplied. The workshops, led by local writer and teacher Joanne Reynolds, are designed to use journaling and creative writing as a pathway to resolving emotional wounds received as part of the cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery process. These workshops are open to patients, survivors, and supporters, such as family members.
Music On Maroon with the Handbell choir
The Handbell Choir of the Union Congregational Church will hold their summer concert and fundraiser on Wednesday, July 25 at 7 p.m. at the UCC at Fourth and Maroon in Crested Butte. The Community Church of Gunnison has lent their bells to the UCC choir for the last several years, but now it is time to return them and buy UCC’s own. The cost is significant, and UCC’s goal is $10,000 to replace the borrowed bells. Ron Earl, Adrienne Stratton, and others will join the choir for an evening of great music. If you can’t attend, please consider a donation. Tickets are available in advance at the UCC office, 349-6405, from any bell ringer, or at the door, for $20 per ticket.
Opera coming to UCC in August
Emily Bond and Elizabeth Bond are returning to Crested Butte this summer to present the dramatic Dido and Aeneas. Performances will be Saturday, August 4 at 6 p.m. and Sunday, August 5 at 1 p.m. at the Union Congregational Church, 403 Maroon Ave., Crested Butte. Tickets are $20 and are available at the UCC, Tuesday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Performed by musically talented members and friends of both Crested Butte’s Union Congregational Church and Colorado Springs’ First Congregational Church, this year’s production is once again musically directed by organist/conductor Derek Carden from England, and stage-directed by Theresa Andrasy-Sokol. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Music Programming of UCC. For more information, contact Emily Bond at [email protected] or call (719) 367-2062.
19th annual Writing the Rockies conference set for July 18-22 on WSCU campus
Writing the Rockies (July 18-22, 2018) is one of the largest and most diverse writers’ conferences in the region, bringing together hundreds of writers and publishing professionals to celebrate the literary imagination and the written word in one of Colorado’s most beautiful high valleys. Set on the campus of Western State Colorado University, the conference is part of Western’s low-residency graduate program in creative writing and is also sponsored by the Department of Communication Arts, Language, and Literature. The conference is fully open to the public.
July 19- Lina Glick, Cis Berry, Terren Judson
July 20- Jacob Bernholtz, Laura Freeman, Henry Cahir, David Villanueva, Kat Hassebroek,
July 21- Tom Martin, Maila Olson, Leslie Locklear, Peace Wheeler, Ross Orton, Ashley Harrington
July 22- Lucy Zavala, Walker Carroll, Lisa D’Arrigo
July 23- Emma Vosburg, Aaron Lypps, Brad Sorock, Denise Duffy, Frank Clause, Denise Reinert
July 24- Tom Miller, Meriska Koekemoer
July 25- Kevin Chedd, Kori Caskey, Dave Moody

Cameos: Where are you seeing the best wildflowers this summer?

Andrew McRae

Jolyn Karnes

Kevin Williams

Macy Wisian

Wyatt Wisian