Take a look at Long Lake
As part of the federal scoping process in the proposed Long Lake land exchange, the Crested Butte Land Trust will be conducting two tours of the property and the first one is this Friday, August 10. Car poolers will meet at the Four-way stop in Crested Butte at 12:45 and drive up to the Meridian Lake dam where they will hike up to the property and talk about the current proposal and future management ideas. The tour is expected to take two hours. A similar visit will also be held August 24 at 3 p.m.
Crested Butte Magazine 40th Anniversary Party
Lordy, lordy look who’s 40! Join the Crested Butte Magazine team Thursday, August 9 at the Eldo from 5 to 8 p.m. for a community-wide celebration marking 40 years of exceptional writing and photography. Come raise a glass and enjoy the banter, readings and photos from the archives (the costumes! The 70s and 80s flair!). Live music from very special guests, readings from contributors past and present, and beer! This is also a kick-off partnership between the Center’s new Literary Arts Department and the Crested Butte Magazine.
Final Public Policy Forum is Tuesday
The Public Policy Forum of Crested Butte will host Jeremi Suri this week at the Center for the Arts at 7 p.m. on Tuesday August 14. His presentation is “Why the History of the Presidency Matters for the Past and Future of our Country.” Suri holds the Mack Brown Distinguished Chair for Leadership in Global Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. He is a professor in the university’s department of history and the LBJ School of Public Affairs. It is the last Public Policy Forum of the summer and takes place Tuesday. Suri holds the Mack Brown Distinguished Chair for Leadership in Global Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. He is a professor in the university’s department of history and the LBJ School of Public Affairs. It is the last Public Policy Forum of the summer and takes place Tuesday.
March Fourth!
It was announced that one of Crested Butte’s most popular visiting bands will be coming back to town next month. The MarchFourth marching band will be playing the CB Center for the Arts on September 2. The band brings an explosion of brassy funk, rock, and jazz is all about the groove. This larger-than-life group of musicians and acrobats tours the country year-round, bringing a spirit of celebration wherever they go.
Salsa Rueda & Rum at GAC
Enjoy a night under the Gunnison Arts Center’s Outdoor Courtyard lights in this fun and easy Dance AND Series event Saturday, August 11 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. with instructor and caller Linny Ramundo. The cost is $20 per person and includes two drinks, light apps and instruction. Salsa Rueda is similar to a square dance in which dancers consistently change partners, learn and execute basic salsa moves in a circular formation, while listening to a caller. This is a no-pressure way to get exposed to basic salsa rhythms. Enjoy sipping on refreshing rum-inspired cocktails brought to you by Montanya Rum and Latin style apps. The evening is sponsored by Montanya Rum.
August 9- Sky Houseman, Scott Millard, Happy Brown, Jan Washburn, Neil Windsor
August 10- Chris Gaither, Bruce Alpern
August 11- Amy Williams, Kathleen Ross, Steve Cook, Doug Kroft
August 12- Linda Priest, Mert Theaker, Jewel Millard, Spencer Madison
August 13- Peter Chase, Rick Gaither, Cea Anderson, Faith Gasparrini, Tina Curvin, Bill Husted
August 14- Mary Kunes, Katie & Maddie Thomas, Rosie Ewert, Aidan Gunderson
August 15-Chris Morgan, Jacob Tucker

Cameos: What kind of adventures do you still have planned before the summer ends?


Caden Lightcap


Sydney Olson

Nancy and Chip