Interest for vacant Crested Butte town council seat grows to three

All have decades of CB experience

[ by Mark Reaman ]

At least three long-time Crested Butte residents have submitted applications to replace Candice Bradley on the town council. As of early this week, Johnna Bernholtz, Terry Camp and Jason MacMillan have thrown their names in the hat to fill out Bradley’s term, which would run into this November.

Bradley submitted her resignation last month after moving out of Crested Butte to Gunnison. To be eligible to sit on council, applicants must live in town and have been a registered voter for at least one year.

Johnna Bernholtz has been a town resident for 27 years and is a former Flauschink Queen. She said she has watched the town go through many changes and growing pains. “I am interested in being a part of the process from the inside and know there will be much to learn, but feel up for the challenge,” she said in her letter of interest.

Terry Camp moved here to ski in the early 1990s. He has spent one term on the Board of Zoning and Architectural Review (BOZAR). He said that he came here for the winter in 1992 “and I have stayed and grown to love this place and its people,” he wrote. “This love and a desire to serve to keep it a special place for our children and newcomers is why I am applying for the position.”

Jason MacMillan wrote that he learned to ski here in 1984 and his family started renting a place on Sopris Avenue in 1995. Now as a husband and father, he said he appreciates the many things Crested Butte offers his family — “strong relationships and community, recreation out my back door, phenomenal education system, the arts, great bus system (I could go on) — and hope to help maintain and improve them.”
Council members will appoint a replacement for Bradley at the January 19 town council meeting.

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