WCU Trustees back Salsbury leadership

Taking several actions to appease concerns

[ By Mark Reaman ]

The Western Colorado University Board of Trustees this week released an official statement of support for WCU president Greg Salsbury. The board unanimously approved the statement on Tuesday, March 30.

Salsbury had been under fire from some faculty and students since he released a controversial statement on January 7 about the takeover of the capitol riots in Washington D.C. that conflated that action with Black Lives Matter protests from the summer. The faculty submitted a majority vote of no confidence in Salsbury’s abilities to the Trustees last month and called for a change in University leadership.

“On March 9, 2021, the Board of Trustees received the results of a Faculty referendum for new leadership,” the Trustees statement reads. “The Board also recognizes many additional comments, both supporting and opposing new leadership, that it has received from students, donors, parents, alumni, and others in the WCU Community. Given all the factors involved, we support the President and look forward to fostering unity through transparency and accountability, bringing together the best efforts of the Board, the President, Faculty, students, and the entire WCU Community, to lead Western successfully into the future.”

Acknowledging that Salsbury has had some success leading Western in a competitive environment, the Trustees made clear that they “expect the President, through his leadership, to unite the broader WCU Community, to achieve a commitment to mutual respect, collaboration, and student outcomes.”

To that point the board has compiled a so-called Action Plan that is intended to improve Trustee communications and outreach; discern and proclaim the core values of WCU; improve administrative communications; and strengthen the commitment of WCU to shared governance.
“I appreciate the support from the Board of Trustees, and I am enthused about continuing to work with our faculty, staff, and students on the many exciting opportunities in front of us,” commented Salsbury on the Trustee’s action.

That Action Plan will be posted on the Western website.

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