County approves board appointments

Openings remain on 7th Judicial, environmental health, Region 10 boards and weed commission

[  By Katherine Nettles  ]

Gunnison County commissioners made several appointments to boards and commissions last week after having reopened the applicant process and conducting interviews in the past several weeks for positions that had gone unfilled after the initial application period this winter. A few boards have still not received any applicants, and commissioners will continue trying to find candidates for those. 

Meanwhile, commissioners reappointed Les White to the board of adjustment and appeals; reappointed Jan Washburn and appointed newcomer Dan Zadra to the extension advisory board; appointed Steffanie Chain to the Gunnison Basin sage grouse strategic committee as a community at large alternate member; reappointed Tom Walker to the Gunnison Watershed weed commission; reappointed Elinda Card and Jody Reeser to the historic preservation commission; and reappointed Dr. John Tarr as medical health officer.

Out of eight final applicants for the three regular positions and two alternate positions on the Gunnison County planning commission, commissioners appointed former alternate Julie Baca and newcomers Matt Schwartz and Fred Nederer as regular members. They appointed newcomer Heather Zeilman and reappointed Beth Appleton as alternates. 

Commissioners reappointed Matt Reed, Kevin Alexander, Dave Ochs and Kimberly Schappert to the Sustainable Tourism and Outdoor Recreation (STOR) Committee, as well as newcomer Celeste Helminski.

The county will continue looking for candidates to fill vacancies on the 7th Judicial board, Environmental Health Board alternate members, one position on the Gunnison Watershed Weed commission and an opening on Region 10.

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