Briefs: RTA

By Mark Reaman

Planning for the plan

The consulting firm putting together the five-year strategic operating and capital plan for the Gunnison Valley Rural Transportation Authority (RTA) received some feedback on progress from the RTA board of directors at the November meeting. Mikhail Kaminer of Fehr and Peers presented another draft of the plan and the board asked that the final document be a briefer executive summary that could be easily read and understood by the public. 

During a discussion of the reality that the plan was “dynamic” and fluid, it was noted that since its crafting began a year ago four major changes have taken place in the service area: The Whetstone community housing project has been approved; the Starview subdivision application near Cement Creek Road and Highway 135 was presented for county review; the concept of three roundabouts along the highway was introduced and funding secured; and the RTA purchased property by Safeway in Gunnison for an enhanced bus stop and its offices. RTA executive director Scott Truex also added that the state was now asking for a subsidy to provide more service between Crested Butte and Denver.

The board held lots of discussion over the idea of a circulator bus in Gunnison but ultimately no one expected such a service would happen anytime soon. RTA board member and Gunnison city councilman Matt Schwartz made it clear that given the city’s other priorities for such things like a water treatment plant and other infrastructure needs, the circulator bus was not an immediate priority He noted that the current RTA route serves as a circulator bus already. It was suggested that down the line Gunnison voters could consider an increase in their sales tax through the RTA to perhaps help pay for an expanded circulator service.

Bus numbers grow

Bus service numbers continue to grow. Truex said passenger counts for September were up 22% compared to 2023 and up 27% in October. Truex said they are working on the costs of the upcoming project lists. 


—Both the airport and bus service managers said they are ready for the winter ski season. Kim Bolling of Alpine Express said staffing for drivers was in pretty good shape.

—The board approved the hiring of a new bus operations manager that will take some bus focus off of Truex and be an RTA connection to the passengers and service provider.

—The RTA is putting together a new Request for Proposals for the upcoming contract for the RTA bus service provider. The hope is to have a new contract signed by June.

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