It took winter’s arrival but Lowline Fire finally 100% contained

The 1,899-acre Lowline Fire, which started July 26 from a lightning strike between Crested Butte and Gunnison, is now 100% contained. The fire area continues to receive precipitation from recent storms, diminishing all active fire behavior. Firefighters have finished strengthening and securing all containment lines around the Lowline Fire. All resources and equipment have been released from the incident.

A Suppression Repair Plan was prepared this fall. It will be fully implemented in coordination with Gunnison County and private landowners in the coming months. The plan addresses the rehabilitation of dozer and hand lines constructed during the initial attack phase of the incident. 

A Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team will continue to assess the fire area. The assessment will help determine the fire’s severity across the landscape and what treatments may be necessary to help stabilize soil, prevent erosion, identify noxious weed infestations and recommend signage identifying fire area hazards.

Hunters and others entering recently burned areas should exercise caution and understand that fire can create forest hazards. Fire-weakened trees may fall suddenly and the roots of trees can burn underground, creating ash pits that may not be readily visible. Burned forests are especially hazardous in windy conditions. Please consider the following hazards when entering the Lowline Fire area and take appropriate safety precautions:

· Falling snags or trees

· Rolling material such as rocks or logs

· Holes from burned out stumps

· Coal refuse piles–extreme heat could be present

“The Gunnison Ranger District is genuinely grateful for the community’s support during the Lowline fire,” noted Gunnison District ranger Dayle Funka. “The spirit of togetherness and collaboration was instrumental in achieving our shared goals and underscored the sense of community that makes the Gunnison country special. I am proud to be the district ranger in a place that faces challenges in a united, supportive and collaborative way.”

The Forest Service would like to thank the many partners and volunteers for their assistance and continued support throughout this incident. For Lowline Fire update information, contact the Gunnison Ranger District at (970) 641-0471.

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