Weinberg appointed to GCEA board

Term goes until 2022

By Mark Reaman

A replacement has been chosen to fill the seat of Chris Morgan on the Gunnison County Electric Association board of directors. The GCEA board elected Morgan Weinberg last week to serve on the board representing GCEA District 2 that basically encompasses the Mt. Crested Butte/Gothic area.

Morgan chose not to run for re-election after 20 years on the board and no one stepped up at that time. So the board needed to appoint a member and Weinberg, along with Mt. Crested Butte councilman Roman Kolodziej, both submitted applications. The board held a special meeting on August 21 to interview both candidates and Weinberg was elected by a majority vote through anonymous ballots of the sitting directors.

His term is effective from August 21 until June 2022, completing the remainder of the unexpired term.

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