“Well Spotted”–Parks and wildlife of Southern Africa, at the GAC
Join local naturalist and photographer Arden Anderson as he shares some tales and impressive images of the time he spent traveling in the parks and wild areas of Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. His free presentation, “Well Spotted,” is Wednesday, October 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the Gunnison Arts Center’s Black Box Theatre. These dramatic landscapes ranged from ancient deserts to lush wetlands, high altitude grasslands to the lush tropical forests surrounding the mightiest waterfall on the planet. Through it all, Anderson sought out the distinctive wildlife of this region in world-renowned game parks such as Kruger, Etosha and Chobe. Donations to the Arts Center are always welcome.
Town of Crested Butte looking for an artist
The town of Crested Butte, in partnership with the Crested Butte Creative District, is issuing a request for qualifications (RFQ) for artists or graphic designers to create unique, one-of-a-kind graphics in a variety of media for the town’s new Comprehensive Plan, titled Crested Butte’s 2020 Community Compass. Proposals are due by October 18, 2019. Go to www.cbcreativedistrict.org/opportunities to view the full RFQ.
Flu clinics coming to the valley
Winter is on the horizon and that means flu season isn’t far behind. So come to the Annual Flu Clinic on Tuesday, October 22 at the Health and Human Services building, 220 N. Spruce St., Gunnison, from 2 to 6 p.m. for walk-ins and drive-thru. You can also come to Crested Butte on Thursday, October 24 at the CB Town Hall from 2 to 6 p.m. for walk-ins only. The clinic will be closed on October 22 to regular business from 1 to 5 p.m. Bringing completed forms help a lot and can be found at https://www.gunnisoncounty.org/256/Seasonal-Flu-Information. Remember to bring your insurance card. For those who are uninsured, a payment of $25 will be collected at time of service. Please call (970) 641-3244 for more information.
The Silver Circuit presents Senior Moments
The Silver Circuit presents scenes from Don Fried’s hilarious comedy Senior Moments on Friday, October 11 at 7 p.m. and on Saturday, October 12 with a matinee at 2:30 p.m. and an evening performance at 7 p.m. in the Gunnison Arts Center’s Black Box Theatre. Tickets are $17 for adults and $15 for GAC members. Senior Moments is about the awkward blind dates of 70-something seniors Rose and Charlie. Charlie thinks he is meeting an attractive younger woman. So does Rose. Each of the three scenes from the show will be preceded and followed by beloved Broadway songs.
Center for the Arts happenings
The Center keeps your creativity engaged this fall off season with Open Art Studio sessions weekly on Thursdays. There are sessions for adults (1 – 3 p.m.) and another for middle and high school students (3:30 – 5 p.m.) This week focuses on Acrylic on Canvas. Keep your eyes open for the revolving subject matter each Thursday! If you’d like to explore visual art more in depth, be sure to sign up for the five-week Stained Glass workshop beginning October 23 or the two-day Watercolor Washes kicking off October 26. It’s time to get creative!
October 10- Melissa Rose, Julia Brazell, Zach Vosburg, Michael Villanueva, Ariel Lypps, Bob Vandervoort, Isaac Evans
October 11- Joyce Lamb, Jed Frame, Sandy Read, Samuel Stepanek, Chelsea Paulino
October 12- Kimberly Metsch, Matthew Hardin, Beth Appleton, Joe Alagna, Tracy Freeman, Michael Marchitelli
October 13- Kim Novak, Rachel Oliver
October 14- Rich Esposito, Dorothy Lockwood, Lily Westbay, Susan Beltz
October 15- John Hopper, Eva Loflin, Laney Giannone, Ian Baird
October 16- Kiley Flint, Jen Hawley

Cameos: What do you think should go in the Donita’s building?

Heather Theiss


Jess Legere, Suzi Hart and
Cathy Steinberger

Jeff Krueger

Rachel Killorin