
Profile: Penni Ervin

By Dawne Belloise Penni Ervin was born in the same city where See’s Candy started, by Griffith Park, considered part of …

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Profile: Dan Jones

From teepee to techie By Dawne Belloise Dan Jones sits framed by a small forest in his front yard. He seems …

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Profile: Jamie Watt

By Dawne Belloise “I’m a jerky pusher,” Jamie Watt laughs when asked about his award-winning Jamie’s Jerky. “I give out a …

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Profile: Alex Theaker

Digging into the Crested Butte roots He sits in the garden, looking as natural as the flowers he’s surrounded by. Alex …

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Profile: Emma Vosburg

Finding her way home By Dawne Belloise Emma Vosburg’s parents, MJ and Joel, showed up in town around 1990 intending to …

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Profile: Sean Caffrey

Helping the people who help people By Dawne Belloise Sean Caffrey’s office walls are lined with historic photos and maps, fire …

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Profile: Forrest Smith

Artful influencer By Dawne Belloise Forrest Smith has the distinction of being the first and only offspring of two Red Ladies, …

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