Search Results for: living the resort town life

Profile : Mike Spradlin

By Dawne Belloise

It’s a mix of people, commuters and retired folks, and a little bit redneck,” Mike Spradlin says of Lake Isabella, California, his small hometown near Bakersfield. Living around the largest lake in California, about half the size of Blue Mesa Reservoir, he feels that Gunnison is somewhat reminiscent of his childhood home. “We have the lake, mountains, mountain biking and a small ski resort at 7,000 feet in elevation in the southern Sierra Nevadas,” he describes.

Mike had the opportunity to indulge in a lot of outdoor activities, many involving water sports like swimming, diving off rocks into the lake, jet skiing, fishing on the Kern River with his dad, and catfishing at night on the lake. “With catfishing, you’d have a bell on the rod, nightcrawlers on the hook and you’d sit by the fire and wait for the bell to go off.” 

Still in his single digit years, Mike played baseball and youth football but in high school, he says that he just wasn’t big enough to play football. “So I started playing golf. I played high school golf on a six to eight person travel team.” He was talented enough to receive MVP and two varsity letters. He also worked as a “cart kid” at the golf course through high school, which entailed washing the carts and filling the drink stations. 

As high school progressed, in 1998, Mike decided he needed a different job. “Summers are incredibly hot, between 95 and 115 degrees. At that point, I wanted something on water. River rafting is a big thing there. We have one of the best whitewater rivers in the U.S.,” he says of the Kern and admits he’s somewhat biased. He tried out to be a river guide and laughs, “And gosh darn it if that didn’t stick around on my employment record for 18 years!” He was 17 and a year shy of the required age to guide class four whitewater trips, but he could guide up to class three while training for the even wilder ride. “So, by the time I was 18, the following summer, I was ready to go.”

He already had over 50 trips racked up when he guided his very first class four river trip, “And I flipped my raft that trip,” he laughs. He continued to guide until he entered California State University in Bakersfield, where, as he describes, “I did the seven-year bachelor’s degree plan.” 

During his first year as a river guide, Mike had also picked up whitewater kayaking and he, along with a couple of friends, started his own videography company, filming clients for the five guide companies running the river trips. “The Kern River is notoriously called the Killer Kern,” he tells. “The whitewater is huge. It’ll destroy you. There’s even a tally board with postings of lost lives on the river.” 

With his interests in videography production and photography, Mike graduated with a BA in Communications with a focus on digital imaging and video production. He also built websites. However, the world of technology changes rapidly. “My degree became completely obsolete because of the iphone, because it changed everything about website design. I used to be able to write all the HTML code but as soon as the iPhone came out, the process and technology that also came out was all new.”

He remained in Lake Isabella, river guiding and shooting photography but eventually, he says, “I felt it was time for some great life trips,” and he headed to New Zealand for a couple months to visit friends there, and mostly, to kayak, sometimes taking a helicopter to the top of the river to kayak down. He went to the middle fork of the Salmon River in Idaho for a week, and then floated the Grand Canyon. “It was like a trifecta,” he recalls. 

It’s different up here…

Admittedly living in a small town does not come with the same ‘big city’ issues that most of America has to deal with. We like that. We have our problems and our issues and while they sometimes take a backseat to our normal priority of getting out on the trail, river or peak or gathering with friends, they are real to us…

Let me start with a small town newspaper gripe. I have seen participation at almost every local government meeting increase noticeably over the last year because of the technology of things like Zoom. COVID eliminated most in-person meetings and people flocked to the alternative of participating in their local government at their kitchen table while wearing pajamas. That was one benefit of the pandemic — not the pajamas but greater participation of citizens in their local democracy.

So, when I see that the Mt. Crested Butte town council isn’t pulling the trigger to continue using that technology that at its last virtual meeting drew in more people than ever before (almost 100 people) I shake my head. As a small town newspaper guy, I always advocate for more transparency and citizen convenience. I don’t buy the town argument that because a $7,000 camera wasn’t budgeted for, it can’t be done.

Using technology to go online and look at some recent financial reports for the town, I see that at the end of the 2021 ski season Mt. Crested Butte sales tax collections were up $390,000 year-to-date over its budget. March and April revenues set new records over 2019 and 2017 so it wasn’t based on pandemic months. I know that the budget was lean when approved because of the unknowns of COVID but to say a $7,000 camera can’t be purchased because it wasn’t in the budget is weak sauce. The extra $390,000 wasn’t in the budget either — are you not going to take that?

And while the budget argument came primarily from the town manager, it is ultimately a council decision dealing directly with the “policy” of how much participation they want from their citizens and interested community members. So I raise my eyebrow at the council, not the staff. The buck stops with them. That expenditure and timing is a council decision and it is a minor one with big positive impacts on transparency and citizen participation.

The town of Crested Butte is probably considered in overall better financial straights than Mt. CB. It spent well into five figures ($25-$30K) updating its video and audio systems to allow both in-person and virtual participation at its meetings. It is an expense that encourages citizens to take part in their representative government and as I said, as a newspaper guy, that sort of easy expenditure is at the top of the priority list. The Mt. CB council should have no hesitation to pull that trigger soon, given the benefit to its citizens.

On a more emotional level…
For those here for a week, Crested Butte and the surrounding mountains is most likely paradise. While the typical tourist might see a utopia full of fun, beauty and adventure, those of us living here know it is all of that and more. It comes with real life.

Examples of that real life are steady. Like I did a couple of weekends ago, we often attend ‘celebrations of life’ for friends and acquaintances lost too soon. We as a community last week also mourned a beloved teacher who succumbed to cancer and remember her smile and impact on our children. We pray for our kids who know a freedom many others in this country never see as they have a playground that while beautiful, can also be precarious.

The community experienced a scary moment Sunday when a car full of local teenagers rolled several times up one of the local drainages. Every parent here feels a tightness in their chest when hearing the sirens heading up or down the highway. The majority of the time it is a gas leak or a visitor having an altitude issue. But occasionally it is a major response to locals in need of assistance. Too often we hear of friends who met their end in the backcountry or like Sunday, a group of girls who didn’t make the wisest of decisions but overall lucked out in the big picture with no one dying in what could have been a really serious accident.

Yes, this is a beautiful and unique resort community. That too comes with challenges for locals. We debate things like how to house workers near their jobs, if we really should be issuing parking tickets, the location of big houses, as well as managing dandelions and how often trash should be picked up.

Real life happens in this paradise and that is something to remember and appreciate. Real people live here and deal with worries and problems just like anyone. But those who have chosen to stay and make a life in these mountains are not cut from the same cloth as most Americans. They choose to live the adventure many tourists experience for a week. They know it comes with challenges and sacrifice, but the tradeoff is normally worth it.

It’s sometimes a weird place. It’s a place where people throw on costumes and ride bikes in the rain. It’s a place where we all look out for others and celebrate the fortune those that pass had while living here. It’s a place where the stated reason to not buy a camera to bring in more people can tweak my mind and a place where we get lucky when a car full of kids rolls over in the backcountry playground and they all live to tell the story.

Be appreciative for what we have here. It is indeed a place full of fun, beauty and adventure. But wear your seatbelts and appreciate both the big and the little things that come with real life at 9,000 feet.

—Mark Reaman

There is still hope…

Returning from the Highway 50 road trip last week there was for once some hesitation about what we were returning to in the north valley. Based on the limited check-ins I had online over my two weeks away, it felt like the Aspen Apocalypse was here in full storm. Giant houses being built in wetlands, no employee housing anywhere, crappy condos selling for a million bucks, businesses not opening, swarms of tourists descending on us like locusts. Anger, entitlement, fear and loathing oozed online from our home.
There is not much doubt we are on the high end resort trajectory stereotype but there is still hope. Things always change but I think we still have a shot to do things differently. I commented to Diane as we turned the corner to head by CB South that there are a couple of things that still keep this place from going full Aspen/Telluride.

The first one I noticed is the fact that real working ranches still exist along the highway. The open spaces are not filling with condos but instead are filled with cattle and their recently born babies. The ranches here are not hobby horse properties but rather real working cattle operations and we are blessed to live amongst that industry and should support their ability to stay in business. That means protecting their water, their access to public lands and not supporting Front Range efforts to hobble their ability to do business. Initiative 16 that could end up on the 2022 ballot is one bad example.

The second thing remains the people and the deep relations forged in this end-of-the-road place over years and decades (for me anyway). Yeah, the changes to this place are coming at warp speed but where do you go from this valley where there is common experience that celebrates the common community? It takes time to develop community. For me there are regular social gatherings with friends that still anchor me to the valley. There is the ability to sit on an Elk Avenue deck like I did Monday and see scores of people who I don’t normally hang out with but who are part of the fabric of the town and we can connect on a sunny afternoon over a beer.

I see my kid who is living in town and riding the ski bum life developing those types of new relationships beyond the friend group he grew up with. He is connecting with other young adults here for the Crested Butte experience. They are riding trails, kayaking the rivers, closing the Talk and building their own shared experiences that will tie them to this still special place. Some will remain and others will move on but they are building CB bonds that last.

Those lasting bonds that grow here were evident last weekend at a celebration of life for a longtime local Jeff Pike. A crowd of grey hairs came together to reminisce over not just Jeff but the shared experience of his life and how it was intertwined with that group. There were ski patrol stories and construction stories, family stories and mountain life stories. It was a reminder of what the place used to be and what in some sense still is. It’s not just about the pretty landscapes but about the opportunity to be in the mountain landscape and share that with like-minded friends. There are a lot of pretty places to take a hike or dine in a small town, but it is the people element that makes CB unique.

A similar but younger gathering will take place this weekend as the 2021 Crested Butte Community School senior class will graduate on the soccer field. That ceremony is always a community event that brings together those with school-aged kids and those who have never had a child. It is the marking of a new group of the tribe moving on to the bigger world. Some will go to prestigious universities; others will head to “gap year” adventures. Still others will start a career in the trades which given our situation could make them millionaires before their peers get their masters degrees. No matter the post graduation choice, those that have had the privilege to attend CBCS are blessed. Our community school has once again made the list as one of the best schools in Colorado and the nation. That is a tribute to the entire CBCS staff and the community in general. Our community school is still small enough to make each student feel loved. It is still small enough for the teachers to know the names of every kid walking the hallways. It is still small enough to be able to focus not just on AP courses but extracurricular activities and small town life and opportunity. Congrats to this class and may you keep the bonds you made these last few years.

Oh, and one of my favorite gatherings with deep roots is Monday when veterans with ties to Crested Butte march down Elk Avenue to the cemetery. That starts between 9:15 and 9:30 with a mass at 10 a.m., followed by a lunch and polka party in the afternoon at Queen of All Saints. The old timers that come back this year will have a lot to talk about when they see the ‘new’ Crested Butte and compare what their old houses are selling for.

Of course, some of the warp speed changes are definitely making it more difficult for the new graduates and the ski bum crowd to stay and develop the special long-term bonds. What used to be a drafty and cold $150/month rental is now a fixed-up $3 million dollar home. While there are more people living in Crested Butte now than ever before, the new residents can make bank outside the valley and do not need to work as servers or ski patrollers. The young people wanting a cheap mountain town experience are less and less able to find it here. That is sad and a big step away from the traditional CB culture. Lord knows everyone is aware of the need to keep workers living up here and action is being taken seriously by both the public and private sectors to address the problem.

If anyone has the magic wand solution, I hope they wave it so we can fix it. If there is no magic wand, we can all at least keep chipping away to allow people of all economic means the ability to live in the valley. We’ve done better than most places (see page 10) but there will always be work to do in that realm. Bitching and moaning and striking (dumb) and whining is pretty wasted energy – give us some interesting ideas instead.

So, while I will admit that I get frustrated with the richy-rich changes we all see, the road trip reminded me to take a breath and remember the positive side of the valley. Yeah, we have become more Aspen/Telluride than say Silverton and that is not where I would have chosen to go. But there is still the unique ranching culture, the ability to hop on my bike from the office or front door and be on a relatively secluded and beautiful singletrack within minutes, the opportunity to laugh with acquaintances over a beer on a sunny Elk Ave deck, the treasure of connecting with friends with common experience.

Everyone has their tipping point, but it is rare to find someone who voluntarily left this community who doesn’t soon wonder why they did it. Remember — it is the people that keep it unique and that is why there is so much focus on finding ways to keep the people here. And for that we should not simply point fingers on social media, but rather find real ways to make it happen.

—Mark Reaman

Address local housing issues in an out-of-the-box way

While on the road trip these past couple of weeks, it became increasingly obvious that Crested Butte is not the only place dealing with rapid change. Most of the other nice places are as well and in conversations with people, similar issues are present. Housing prices are skyrocketing, businesses are finding it hard to get employees, and employees cannot afford to live where they work. Of course, there are always the not so nice places where housing is cheap and so are wages. Austin, Nevada anyone?

But I want to keep living in our valley in a real mountain community. I have purposely not checked in on much news while away, but I did see a lengthy Facebook chain about people worried and upset (as usual this time of year) about finding housing.

Before we left, a friend put forth a theory from another friend of his (a lawyer with many decades of experience dealing with Colorado mountain town land issues) that CB and other resort towns like ours have transitioned from an economy that is primarily a “labor market” to one that is primarily a “housing market.” In the old days, the town existed because laborers were needed to work the mines and to serve the miners. And then laborers were needed to serve the tourists. Now, the economy is driven primarily by housing. We still have tourists and businesses, but we have become a housing market first and foremost. What this means is that many people invest in the housing market but, for a number of reasons, have no intention of starting a local business or working in one, because they work elsewhere even if they live here (high-speed Internet), are here part-time or are retired. They are invested in the housing market, but not in the labor market.

That reality, which we cannot change, results in high housing prices, empty homes and lack of workers because those who need to make money to live here can’t make enough money to do so, given the tremendous infusion of capital into the housing market. As a result, the theory goes that the only way to afford a home here is to bring in capital from elsewhere. You just can’t make enough money here to do it. So, my friend postulates that “we may not be able to ‘fix’ this, if by fixing it we mean rebalancing things in such a way that locals who are part of the working human capital of the town and the valley can earn enough to afford to live here, buy a home, raise a family and so on. And the reason we can’t fix it is that our housing is simply too attractive to wealthy people who do not participate directly in our labor market, either as owners or as workers. Of course, the recent arrivals patronize local business, and many give very generously to local causes and participate in the life of the town in all sorts of positive ways, but their jobs and businesses are elsewhere, and that is where their entrepreneurial creativity and wealth-creation are taking place, not here. It’s not their fault in any way—it’s just the way things work now.”

To address the trend, my friend’s idea is not so much to fall back on the “tax the second homeowners” idea, or to continue to emphasize only philanthropic giving, affordable housing and deed restrictions (all useful ideas), but rather also to encourage and inspire those investing in our housing market to also invest directly in our labor market. Many who have second homes here do that in a sense already by generously supporting the non-profits in the valley, so there is a pattern in place. Instead of setting up another charity, however, his idea would be to create a for-profit vehicle whereby those with financial capital can also invest in local human capital. Call it “The Crested Butte Business Investment Fund”—think “CB Shark Tank” or a larger ICELab. Investors would buy into an enterprise to which local businesses would then apply for funding their businesses. The new fund would essentially be a small venture-capital enterprise. Local businesses would pitch a return on investment if the fund supported them with start-up or growth and innovation resources. This would then, in turn, serve the community by creating successful businesses that in turn create good jobs.

A CBBIF wouldn’t make it possible for local owners and employees to purchase the new norm of $4 million single family homes, but it could make it that much more likely they would get into some kind of local housing. The businesses would be that much more likely to be able to hire local workers and thus be able to turn a profit, and the second homeowners or new residents would then get businesses that are open because they have workers. The workers would get a roof over their heads and the opportunity to live in a really good place. And our new full and part-time residents would be able to put their skills and dollars to work in a way that draws on their experience with creating prosperity.

CBBIF. CB Shark Tank. This kind of free market idea might interest the new wave, successful people with capital who want to live or spend time here, providing a meaningful way to support the place they have come to love and integrating them into the community. The local governments can help with land or grants, with support for non-profits and appropriate taxation and deed restrictions, all of which have their place, but having a for-profit community-based investment fund might also help to make the affordability problem a bit more affordable. As my friend asked, “Is it pie in the sky? Perhaps. And if actually successful, such initiatives would inevitably lead to further growth, in a cycle we have been watching in western ski towns for many decades. Still, since this growth is unavoidable, such a program—that I’ve never seen in a town like ours—might foster a more community-based kind of development than we see when the housing market overwhelms everything else.”

Being on the road lends itself to thought and perspective. I am not sure if such an idea would really work but I do know we aren’t the only community dealing with the issue. I also know this community used to rebel against the normal way of doing things and endeavored to try out-of-the-box ideas. This might qualify as such an idea…and I would think the local planners and housing experts could determine pretty quickly if it would work.

Planners from the county and municipalities have been meeting monthly to set a housing direction. There are opportunities with land at both ends of the valley. Housing is top of mind for pretty much every elected official in the valley. I would expect to see more units available sometime in 2022. There is movement.

Anyway, it certainly is something to think about. Which is a perfect thing to do on a road trip…but then it becomes time for tangible action.

—Mark Reaman

Officials prepare for rising mental health issues as spring approaches

CB State of Mind bringing “green” awareness to community

[ by Mark Reaman ]

Crested Butte State of Mind wants the community to know it is okay to not be okay. One in five Americans will experience a mental health issue in any given year and it can be even higher in mountain communities, especially resort communities. In fact within Gunnison County, adult behavioral issues are documented to have increased 500-percent in 2020 and spring is always a period of concern in the mental health realm.

“The stigma associated with mental health means people may not recognize what is happening or are too afraid to ask for help,” explained CB State of Mind (CBSOM) executive director Meghan Dougherty. “At CB State of Mind, we are committed to ending this stigma.”
One public effort to raise the awareness will take place starting this Sunday. CB State of Mind is launching its first annual Mental Health Awareness Campaign in collaboration with the general community. From Sunday, March 28 through Sunday, April 4, CBSOM is asking friends and neighbors to join in this effort by placing a green light in your windows for the entire week to help raise awareness about mental health.

“It is time to shine a light for mental health awareness,” said Dougherty. “A green light symbolizes that you care about the mental health of everyone in our Valley, and that you support your neighbors (and yourself!) in their quest for relief, comfort and assistance. The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness about mental health, but more importantly, to spark conversations and fight the stigma surrounding mental health.”

Resort community concern
It is increasingly obvious that just because mountain resort communities display an image of paradise, the reality can be very different for many people living there. Dougherty explained that mountain and rural communities, ski towns specifically, have significantly higher rates of suicide compared to the national average of 14 people per 100,000. She said locally, it is approximately 30 deaths per 100,000 people — more than twice the national average.

“In the past few years suicide and suicide attempts in and around the Gunnison Valley, and the number of hospital visits due to mental health issues is at an alarming all-time high,” Dougherty said. “Gunnison Valley Hospital (GVH) has seen a 500-percent increase in admissions to the ER for adult behavioral issues in 2020. Not even our Gunnison Valley is immune to the stresses of the world today. Some refer to it as the ‘paradise paradox.’ With the allure of the landscapes and outdoor lifestyles often comes a host of realities including isolation, lack of mental health care, easy access to firearms and financial stressors. The transient nature of resort communities results in people having to regularly rebuild their support systems and are often less aware of the local resources.”

If you have lived in a mountain resort community for any length of time, you know that spring is a delicate time for some people. “Spring presents a time where suicide rates are 20-60 percent higher according to Fotis Papadopoulos, professor of psychiatry at Uppsala University, Sweden,” said Dougherty. “For many locals, people’s jobs are changing or ending due to the off-season thus creating financial stressors. People are leaving town to warmer climates or to lengthen their winter days leading to isolation for those who remain. Moreover, with local restaurant and business closings, feelings of loneliness and sadness can set in.”

Providing free and easy counseling for those who need it
Dougherty said that CB State of Mind is part of a collaborative effort to get ahead of the problem. The primary role that CBSOM plays is making access to counseling sessions easy and free. “Since launching almost one year ago, CBSOM has arranged for more than 700 free sessions to those in most need. These scholarships connect individuals with a local licensed therapist and remove some of the most common barriers including the inability to pay for therapeutic intervention or simply knowing where to start. We are seeing this demand grow with over 300 sessions provided in the first two-and-a-half months of 2021.”

Dougherty emphasized that “you can help shine a light on mental health by one simple gesture of changing your lights to green.”
Green light bulbs are available at the Mountain Colors Paint Store, The Crested Butte Visitors Center, Townie Books and Mountain Tails Pet Boutique in Crested Butte. In Gunnison, they are available at the Gunnison Recreation Center, Gunnison Arts Center, the Western Colorado University LEAD Office and at Toggery Elevated.

Pick up a green light bulb or green ribbon and you can get entered for a chance to win a pair of ROMP skis.

The Class of COVID: How CB’s 2020 graduates changed course

[ By Kendra Walker ]

When COVID-19 first hit Crested Butte a year ago, the 2020 senior class faced a challenging wrap-up to the end of their time at the Crested Butte Community School – online classes, cancelled sports, virtual celebrations that should have been in person. While the end of high school is meant to be a crossroads, none of us, especially our 2020 graduates, ever imagined the difficult decisions that a global pandemic would add to figuring out the next chapter. But this resilient group of kids took it in strides, and has managed to make lemonade out of COVID lemons. Some are crushing it in school amid COVID protocols, some are working, some are helping others in need, and some are traveling and doing what most of us wish we had done after high school. Here’s a snapshot of what some of the 2020 senior class has been up to this past year.

Out of state at UVA
Some graduates continued with their original plans, moving on into higher education. One such student is Livie Nute, who last spring had already committed to attend the University of Virginia (UVA) in the fall.
“Last summer, I went back and forth whether I should apply for a gap year or just go ahead and hope there are some fragments of normalcy,” she says. “Most of my friends took a gap year, so there definitely was a sense of missing out but I felt I was ready for a change.” Livie decided to go ahead with her original plans and is now in her second semester at UVA.

“It’s been great and I definitely don’t regret my decision. But there’s certainly been some adjustments and really recognizing that the pandemic is not over. For first semester I was completely online and most extra curriculars and clubs were operating online as well. The hardest part was meeting peers because so much of it was reaching out over text.”

But Livie says there’s been a positive shift this second semester. “Three out of my five classes are in person, with spaced out seating.” She’s joined an outdoors club on campus, and has gone paddle boarding, rock climbing and skiing with the group. “That’s been super nice to actually have in-person connections again,” she says.

Livie says the university has done a good job of adjusting its operations this year for COVID. She says they’re taking it pretty seriously; everyone is required to get tested once a week, you have to be masked wherever you go and obey social gathering sizes. While protocols are similar to Crested Butte, Livie says Charlottesville is a ghost town compared to Elk Avenue last summer.

Livie lives in a dorm suite with six other students, and says while she is grateful for the interaction, it can be tricky to navigate a shared living space while taking online classes and exams.

Livie hopes to major in global development studies, with a concentration in public health and female reproductive rights. “What drew me to UVA was their global courses offered here. I’d like to learn more about expanding female access to health care on a global level,” she said.

Livie plans to stay in Charlottesville over the summer. “But I definitely miss Crested Butte,” she says. “The hardest adjustment was that a lot of people come from in-state in Virginia. It was hard knowing that I grew up in such an amazing place and people had never even heard of it. I still love Crested Butte and all my friends there.”

Changing it up on island time
For Mya Schaffer, the pandemic instigated a change from her original post-graduation plans.
“Back in the spring I was planning to go to CU Boulder. I was already enrolled, had my housing lined up and all my classes picked out,” she says. But when the school sent out an email announcing that classes would be online, Mya was not interested. “I’m really an in-person learner. So I decided I’d take a year off and get out of the town for a little while and see what else is out there.”

Over the summer, Mya worked at Pita’s in Paradise, and continued the job until the end of the year. At the beginning of January, she moved out to Honolulu, Hawaii with her fellow CBCS friend Emily Chang.

Mya took a job at a Japanese sandwich shop in Honolulu and is also working as a hotline advocate for the Colorado-based human trafficking organization, Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking. “When someone contacts the organization, we have a bunch of resources located all over Colorado to support mental health, shelter, food, etc.,” she explains. “We also take tips, and can report to the police if necessary. We are connecting people to resources, whether they are a community member and looking for information or a survivor looking for resources to get back on their feet.”

Compared to Crested Butte, Mya says Oahu feels a lot more laid-back with COVID because everyone is always hanging outside, but restaurants and businesses are still operating at limited capacities.

And for fun, “I’ve definitely been beaching, hiking around, exploring the island,” she says. She’s learning to surf, and proudly shares that she recently stood up for the first time on the board.

“I really do like the shift toward the beach climate,” says Mya. “I love Crested Butte, it will always be my home. But right now I’m not sure if I’ll go back, or to CU, or maybe I’ll go to the University of Hawaii. I’m just trying to live my best life, I might as well make the most of it and not plan too far ahead.”

Close to home at CU
Another student continuing on with higher education is Rena Elfenbein, who is currently attending the University of Colorado in Boulder (CU) studying molecular, cellular and developmental biology. “I’m on the pre-med track,” she says. “So fingers crossed I’ll end up in med school after graduation. I’m hoping to become a surgeon or a doctor.”

Rena moved to Boulder last August, but not without a close call. She explains she got exposed to COVID at work in Crested Butte about two weeks before headed to school. “It was a big scary thing not knowing whether I would get to move into my dorm,” she says.

Luckily, the coast was clear but Rena says that COVID has certainly changed everything at school. “I have to wear a mask everywhere I go. I can’t get into my dorm without a mask, I can’t get out of my dorm without a mask. I see friends on the street but I don’t recognize them! It’s really changed everything.”

But Rena has managed to find some social outlets at school, having recently joined a sorority on campus. “The sorority rushing process was all online,” she said. “We went on Zoom dates or had Facetime calls with the different sororities.” Rena joined Chi Omega, and has gotten to meet more people and attend social distance events through the Greek system. She has also attended some Shabbat events with a Jewish meet-up group.

“It still has been pretty difficult to meet people,” she says. “I understand why a lot of people didn’t want to come to school this year.”

Most of Rena’s classes are online, but she has one in-person class. She’s interested in joining the ski club next year, “It will be pretty fun to meet other people who like to ski.” Rena also hopes to study abroad at some point in the future when COVID is over. For now, she plans to stay in Boulder over the summer to work and maybe take a summer class.

On the road chasing powder
For former Crested Butte Mountain Sports teammates Kye Matlock, Holden Bradford and Dagan Schwartz, chasing powder has been the number one priority this year.

Dagan’s initial plan last year after graduation was to go to Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington, and start working and snowboarding at Mt. Baker. “When COVID hit, school went to 95 percent online. So when I decided to take year off, I started road tripping a week later. I decided to just chase the snow – that’s what this year was going to be all about,” he says.

Last year, Kye had already decided he didn’t want to go to school right away and deferred a year to MSU. “Second semester senior year was online and I hated it so much,” he recalls. After graduation, Kye got a certification to be a wilderness firefighter in Salida and then decided to go to Alaska and fish for three months over the summer. Kye says he used his one paycheck working for his dad in Crested Butte toward purchasing an all-wheel-drive Chevy Astrovan. Kye spent the fall building it out and then met up with Dagan and fellow CBCS grad and teammate Holden Bradford this winter to begin their ultimate ski road trip.

Using storm-chasing apps to see where the most snow would fall, the trio traveled though Washington, hitting Mt. Baker, Crystal Mountain, Snoqualmie, Alpental, then down to Mt. Bachelor in Oregon, and on to California to Squaw Valley, Kirkwood and Alpine Meadows. “We just made our way toward wherever we thought it was going to hit. We got pretty good at it,” they recall. Then they hit up Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Alta outside of Salt Lake City. “Alta was legendary,” they said, recalling having the whole resort to themselves when the roads from Salt Lake had closed for two days.

Being on the road in times of COVID was an interesting experience, they say, but they stuck to their little group. “It depended on the state,” says Dagan. In Washington they wouldn’t let you in the ski base area lodges, only to go in and out to the bathroom. California was looser; lots of people weren’t wearing masks. And in Wyoming you could go in places and sit down.”

“Honestly, COVID makes road tripping a little tricky,” says Kye. “There are a lot of places you can’t camp anymore and we couldn’t go into public restrooms or use rec centers for showers.”

Looking back at this winter season, they agree that every day was better than the last. “I keep thinking, wow that day was the best, but then the next day might have been the best, and then the next day might have been better,” says Dagan. He recalls one late night pulling up to Snowqualmie after driving for 10 hours and realizing there was night skiing. “We immediately got out of the car, still in our street clothes, put our boots on and skied. After driving for 10 hours.”

Kye adds another experience, “We woke up at 6 a.m. in California and drove all the way to Jackson Hole from Tahoe. We got in at 2 a.m., slept a few hours and then woke up and skied all day.” The guys were in Jackson during the Natural Selection Tour competition. “That was super crazy to see those pros,” says Dagan. “Four of my favorite pros walked behind us and I was freaking out.” Meeting up with a former ski coach, they also got the hook-up and skied the venue before it opened up to the public. “We took six laps on a run that hadn’t been open all season,” says Kye. “With jumps built to launch with 4 feet of powder under you.”

The group just wrapped up their last week of travel together, now headed in different directions. Dagan will travel to Salt Lake to prep for his last eligible round of Freeride Junior World Championship in Verbier, Switzerland. “To be able to get over to Europe is why I’m doing it,” said Dagan. “To have an opportunity like this right now is huge.” Dagn says this winter has helped prep him in a lot of ways. “When you’re training with a team it’s definitely more intense and consistent, but at the same time when you’re just skiing what you want to ski you end up pushing yourself a lot.”

Kye is taking the opportunity to ski the Freeride World Qualifier adult competitions for the first time this spring. “I’ll see if I like them with the goal of doing the best I can and get my foot in the door with a ranking.” All of the competitions are within 20 days of each other, including one in Crested Butte on the March 29. “After that I don’t know what I’m doing,” he laughs.

But all in the all, the trio is glad for their time off. It’s really been great, we’re seeing places we wouldn’t have the chance to see if we were in school,” says Dagan. “We’re just flying by the seat of our pants.”

Profile: Jordan Matthew Lackey

Music Man

[  By Dawne Belloise  ]

It seems as though Matt Lackey was destined to be a musician and luthier, all beginning with a childhood discovery when he was 11 years old and found a forgotten guitar in his grandmother’s attic. His dad had bought the guitar for Matt’s older brother, who then decided he didn’t want to play music.

“Dad taught me how to play a Creedence Clearwater Revival song, only three chords, the only ones Dad knew and the only ones he said I needed to start playing,” he recalls (those chords are G, C and D). Hooked on guitar at that influential age, Matt discovered his love for music. “I didn’t know where it was going to take me but it felt right,” he says of the transforming moment for the then 11-year old. When Matt was 4, the family moved from Danville, Virginia, to Concord, North Carolina when his father took a job as a mechanic and machinist for a race car team. Matt says that his dad’s job was to sit in a room all day and try to make the engines go faster. His mother worked for a bank. As the youngest of three kids, Matt admits he was spoiled, “Oh yes, I’m a mama’s boy,” he smiles.

As a child, he played baseball and basketball but he confesses, “I couldn’t make the teams.” In high school, Matt became more social. “I was just figuring out my grounds and who I was. I showed interest in some sports but high school was a transitional point.” And that’s when his focus changed. “I picked up the electric guitar,” he says, which was a different animal than the acoustic guitar from the attic. With the Internet barely alive and shuffling along in the mid-to-late 1990s, Matt self-learned guitar techniques through online lessons, finding guitar “tabs” for songs but he recalls the pain of the slow download of that era. “It was hideous how long it took to get online and you’d get online just to get kicked off.”

He persevered and found two other neighborhood friends who were also budding musicians. “They were into Nirvana grunge-type music.” Once they learned Matt knew just enough, they formed a band. “What was cool about them was they knew the tricks, the techniques. They played guitar and bass. There was a lot of jamming and they were part of the reason I started losing my grades because all I could think about in class was going over to their house after school and playing. We did school talent shows. We played a coffee shop downtown and that was the height of our career playing together.” Eventually, Matt joined a different band, a popular high school band that was composing their own songs. “We pushed that whole garage band scene because we weren’t of age yet so the only place we could play was in our garage,” he laughs.

Four years after his 2004 graduation, the band, named Offshore, headed off to find music and fame in San Francisco. They had gone through a variety of genres but moved more into reggae. “We had a love for music. I expanded into other musical instruments, mainly bass and drums. San Francisco was amazing. I had the greatest experience. I grew up in a conservative area in the south and San Francisco was a different taste of life. I met a whole different culture of people and I needed that because I had been around that one thing, conservatism, my whole life.”

Matt had moved away from home specifically for music but felt that his bandmates had lost track of their original music dream. A year later, he returned home to North Carolina because they weren’t playing enough and he missed his family. He discovered the mandolin in 2012, “Which led me to bluegrass music. My band buddy found his grandfather’s mandolin in the attic and brought it to band practice one day. I loved it. That was the ticket, it got me hooked on bluegrass. I left to go looking for music and I came to realize that my favorite music, bluegrass, was where I was born,” he says of his cultural heritage.

Matt had learned the trade of cutting and installing granite countertops before he moved to California and that talent allowed him to gain work right away and enabled him to live in the very expensive Bay Area. When he returned to North Carolina, he went back to work at that trade. “Doing granite has always been my ledge to pull myself back up on,” he says. But he was also playing music with other musicians. Seeing how interested he was in the mandolin, Matt’s father gave him one for Christmas in 2012. ”This is where the biggest transition in my life happened. I played that mando and literally wore it out,” he grins. He decided that he needed to invest in a quality instrument, “I felt it was time to buy a really expensive instrument because I just wanted to advance to that level. I wanted to sound cool and look cool. I wanted to look how I felt.”

Matt was committed to spending a few thousand dollars on a good mandolin when a friend suggested that he look into building his own for that price.”Gears started turning from that point on. I started talking to everybody and anybody about what it was going to take to build an instrument. I was enlightened to the point that I thought I could do it based on what everyone was telling me.”

Fortunately, his dad had a woodshop at the house. Matt invested in a really expensive piece of wood for his project, “A quilted maple from Canada. My dad told me I should get cheaper wood to start with so I built the first one out of mahogany. It was pretty awesome. I gave it to my dad. He doesn’t play but he’s a music appreciator.” He then built his second mandolin from the maple, having learned from the first build, “The whole experience of building an instrument has been a progression of understanding. Each instrument gets better than the last.”

That first mandolin generated enough interest that musicians wanted to purchase it, to which Matt responded, “The first one’s not for sale but I’ll build you one.” He left his full-time job at the granite shop to pursue building instruments, which later evolved into building fiddles. “I started going to fiddle conventions. I wanted to dive into that scene, meet more clientele and learn more about the music. I was going to these festivals carrying around a mandolin,” but the fiddling moved him and he felt he wanted to explore that genre musically. “I wanted to be a fiddler. It wasn’t that far a jump into making fiddles.” He had made nine mandos before taking on his first fiddle project. “I could feel my fiddle love was surpassing my love for the mandolin.”

After helping a friend build a gourd banjo, Matt dove into making one for himself, “At this point, I had to build my instruments, it was too easy to go out and buy one.” The banjo just didn’t call to him like the fiddle did, however, he was now considered a bonafide acoustical engineer, or luthier. “I hear a different quality, overall tone and playability,” he says of each new instrument he creates. He’s made 17 mandolins, seven fiddles and three banjos to date.

Matt detoured west to Colorado from a moonshine run for a friend in West Virginia. “I had a good buddy who was making good stuff. I was going to a music fest in West Virginia and to deliver moonshine to a friend.” The friend was going to an old-time music festival in Berthoud. Matt was curious about the scene in Colorado, “I wanted to see how these people were playing that type of music, having gone to festivals on the east coast and the south. I was ready to stretch my wings.”

He brought two of his newly made fiddles that summer of 2018, to sell and promote his business, “And that’s where I met Lizzy,” he grins of his new bride and fellow musician, Lizzy Plotkin. “She was interested in my fiddle and I was interested in her. She bought my fiddle and she took me to the airport and we smooched and that was all she wrote.” He made the move to Almont in 2019. “I had intentions of moving her back to North Carolina, but that didn’t work,” he laughs. “It’s expensive here and I ran out of money fast so I had to resort back to my secret weapon, the granite shop.” He landed a job making twice as much in wages as he could back east doing granite. The couple married in 2020 and are now proud owners of a house up Spring Creek. “I’ve built a wood shop and hope to transition into being a woodworker full time, not just a luthier,” he says of wanting to expand his business into making cabinets and furniture, “I want to do it all.”

Matt’s discovered skiing, too. “It’s an added bonus to living here and it’s become an outlet for me to express my thrill-seeking extreme side. Colorado has got it all when it comes to living life ­— it’s got my woman here, music, pretty views, outdoor activities and everything to encourage you to live a strong, healthy life both spiritually and mentally. This whole acoustical music experience has been a spiritual experience. It’s brought me closer to God in my life and I feel like all of these things have been given to me as blessings from God. People out here are trying to live their longest, healthiest life.” In their new lives together, Matt and Lizzy spend a lot of time playing music. “We play often around the house and I like that more intimate setting of home rather than on stage. I do miss my family. COVID keeps me from going back to see them but I want to go back and catch up with everything and once we all get vaccinated, that can become a reality again.”
You can check out Matt’s work at Lackey Instruments on Facebook.

Getting to know the North Village owner and his vision…

An eclectic community that respects the natural world

[ by Mark Reaman ]

With the idea of developing a neighborhood that reflects the beauty and feel of the surrounding mountains, as well as the people who would want to live and work there, the owner of the North Village parcel in Mt. Crested Butte is striving to involve the broad community in his plans for the property. The bare bones conceptual design has been released and while it shows generally where residential and commercial pods would be located on the 150 acres at the base of Snodgrass Mountain, the meat of the project has yet to be detailed.

Claudio and Yvonne Alvarez purchased the property about two years ago and he said the idea was not so much to make money but to come up with a place he and his family could be comfortable in and proud of.
Speaking to Claudio last week it was obvious the family was not a big fan of traditional base area development commonly found in ski resorts. The big buildings, the tight development, the concrete was not appealing.

“The North Village property is so special and so beautiful. It is a unique piece of property inside a town,” he said during the hour-long interview. “We feel the town deserves a quaint neighborhood that mirrors the surrounding beauty. There is lots of greenery and we don’t want buildings on the ridgeline that would block the views of the incredible mountains. Our vision should be a community vision – so we want the town council and other stakeholders to help make a community vision.”

The North Village was originally meant to be the base area of a Snodgrass ski mountain with up to 3,800 units of residential and commercial building. But when the U.S. Forest Service turned down the application to expand lift-served skiing onto Snodgrass, the property sat vacant. There is a spot reserved for a potential reservoir meant to hold water for snowmaking and the town owns 17 acres earmarked for recreational playing fields. The North Village was basically downzoned in 2002 to allow for no more than 1,800 residential units and Alvarez said while no hard density number has been set with his proposal, it would be significantly less than that. The Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL) is a part of the plan with about 10 acres set aside for a campus that includes offices, laboratories and workforce housing.

The conceptual design, produced by Connect One Design of Basalt, includes space for a potential hotel and other commercial possibilities including a possible lift that would link the neighborhood to the existing ski area. Miles of trails will crisscross the property and a visitor’s center and community gathering spaces are part of the initial vision.

Not a normal developer
Alvarez is a former practicing doctor whose family has a history of ranching and confesses to being lucky when it comes to his financial status. A lover of nature, he sold the HMO business he started in Florida and now, among other things, owns a rum company started in Cuba by his family in 1872. He purchased a ranch at the bottom of Monarch Pass 15 years ago and was introduced to Mt. Crested Butte and the North Village property by local architect Jennifer Barvitsky.

Alvarez admits he is not a developer but describes himself as one of those guys that has to always be doing something. So, when he saw the North Village property, he started envisioning a new project that would hold some of the charm of Crested Butte while also helping RMBL.

“The vision should be one of the entire community,” he said. “We feel this 150 acres can help the town and make it even more special. We understand we are a tourist community, but locals want to live in a beautiful place and we want locals living here year round. So, we wanted to get the town council involved and want to help them with things like a post office, a multi-denomination chapel or new town hall for example.
“I don’t have the attitude that our idea is the only good idea,” Alvarez continued. “I think town needs a mixture of things and this provides a place.”

The development team, being led by Crocket Farnell of Black Dragon Development, has been working with the local Forest Service, trails people, open space and parks people. “The concept here is that you step out of your house and you can walk out in the greenery and look up and see beautiful mountains,” explained Alvarez. “There will be horses which I think is part of Colorado. Ian (Billick) wants traffic to Gothic managed well so the biological laboratory operations up in Gothic can work smoothly, so we are working to see how we can help manage that traffic. We want to move the current Snodgrass parking area that is on private property and increase the parking by shifting it to the proposed visitor center location just north of the current stables that would also have a transit center.”

Alvarez said he wants a tasteful entrance into the community off of Gothic Road. There would still be a Fantasy Ranch operation with the horses, stables and a barn but also a building for community events in the same area.

What do you want?
“Everything is up for grabs in terms of community housing,” he said. “My ultimate vision is an eclectic community with lots of local people living here. Lights in homes would be on year-round. We have had discussions with the Valley Housing Fund to see if we can help them with housing opportunities. We want to provide opportunity for whatever people think is important. People who live here will need facilities for things like health care. They’ll want to be able to get a coffee. We don’t know exactly what is needed but we want this to help give the town vibrancy and life.

“Since I’m not a developer I’m scared of doing something precipitously from an economic standpoint,” Alvarez admitted. “So I want to phase it in. The first phase would include the RMBL campus and some community housing. The expensive thing will be the infrastructure. So that’s the big question mark but I think we can overcome it by being methodical and phasing it in. The key, like in any successful business, is to stick with a good, long-term vision to accomplish this. Once we get the PUD, we’ll put it out there for people and let them help accomplish the vision.”

Farnell said the development would obviously provide any required deed restricted-housing, “but ideally we want mixed levels of income to be able to live here. The goal is to have an actual community. We want the overall site broadly zoned so it can develop organically,” he said. “We don’t want artificial constructs that sound good but don’t work in so-called planned communities. We are simply providing opportunity for meaningful growth for the town. To that end we have made significant efforts to engage the public.”

Alvarez said the project will not be done tomorrow and will grow over many years but he hopes it draws the type of people who are attracted to the valley now — those that love nature and are comfortable at the end of the road. He said his team is already considering how to be sustainable and have looked into incorporating solar and geothermal elements in the plan.

When it comes to picking his personal home site, Alvarez said he doesn’t anticipate living in a big house on top of the hill. “I want to live down low in the heart of the community so I can wake up in the morning and walk out and get that cup of coffee and talk to people.”

Farnell said it is his hope that the Mt. Crested Butte town council would jump in early and address some of its projects such as parking and playing fields so it could take advantage of scaling and crossover when infrastructure is being put in. “They could also consider leveraging their short-term lodging tax to get affordable housing built now and it will be a lot cheaper to do it all at the same time we are putting in infrastructure. There is a lot of opportunity here.

“I would love the town and Valley Housing Fund to come up with a plan for additional workforce housing,” Farnell continued. “It is a golden opportunity to do something significant in a short event horizon. But that takes cohesion across the valley.”

“I try to do things right instead of focusing on the most conventional way to make money,” Alvarez reiterated. “That’s the same with this project. We want it to be a place where people who live here all year can feel comfortable. We want a place where people who work in the valley can live. We want this to have year-round vibrancy and life.”

Alvarez emphasized that he has no interest in having an “other side of the tracks” feel with workforce housing separated from the main community. “We honestly want an eclectic community where everyone blends in nicely,” he said.

The idea is to take more input from the public and then submit a formal PUD application to the town. Given the extensive preliminary work that’s been done, Farnell hopes for a smooth and relatively quick approval. From there he said civil design work could take place next winter and shovels could turn dirt in the summer of 2022. Alvarez said completion of the project’s first phase that would include the RMBL campus, new parking areas, a visitor’s center and some housing could be ready three to four years from now. Whether he’ll be able to grab a cup of coffee in the morning in a new community at the base of Snodgrass by 2024 is still too far away for anyone to say for sure.

A virtual open house is slated for March 11 at 5:30 p.m. and everyone is encouraged to attend and provide input. Any questions can be emailed to

It’s the little things…and the attitude

First things first…Despite my offer in last week’s paper, Mark Walter did not call me to take advantage of the opportunity to lay out his real estate plans in the valley as he buys up a bunch of commercial property. I did hear from a couple of people in the real estate business who felt I went overboard to put out there how much money he had and how much money he made in the market over a couple days. Fair. I also heard from some people, mainly mid-timers, who appreciated the editorial and assessment of where the old mining town, now high-end ski resort, is heading. I trust that what I’ve heard about Mr. Walter…that he’s a good down-to-earth guy who loves what this place is and what it represents, is true. And that’s good news. Community attitude still matters. CB may not be what it was but it’s still pretty good. It is what it is.

It was soooooo good for CBMR to get the Extreme Limits open this past week. A foot of fresh brightened up the steeps, the local attitudes and drew hundreds of people to the thing this ski mountain is most known for. Telly got tapped thousands of times at the North Face Lift and despite the look of the lines, the spacing made them actually move pretty quickly.

I figured just getting to the terrain would be a mental health boost and it was — but just as important was the fact the skiing was surprisingly good given the lean snowfall this year. A big shout-out to the packers, the patrol and everyone else in mountain ops that worked hard in a difficult snow season to open up the goods. Skiing around on a blustery Sunday, it was evident by the sound of bombs on the front side that they aren’t stopping. Peel, Forest and more on the West Side opened Tuesday as well. Yeah, there are rocks but if you’ve skied here any time at all, you know what to expect and understand ski tuning is a part of the package.

I can’t help but note the clock at the Four-Way that rarely has the right time. I love that old-school Crested Butte attitude. Yeah, it might be 10 o’clock and the bus should be coming, or it might really be 10:06 and the bus is already powering up the mountain. It doesn’t matter that much since there is (almost) always another bus coming in 15 minutes or less. Sit back, enjoy the bench, breath in some good high mountain attitude and know you’ll get up there safely and eventually.

Speaking of attitude, it appears most people are continuing to wear facemasks on Elk Avenue, on the buses and while waiting in line at the chairlifts. People seem to have an accepting attitude toward the intrusive measures recommended to ward off the coronavirus transmission and it continues to work here. Yeah, we all want to be back to a normal time when we could stand closer together, share a beer and listen to live music elbow-to-elbow but that ain’t happening any time soon. And if that weird variant virus explodes, it really won’t be soon. But this county continues to shine. Vaccines are up, the number of positive cases down (compared to other ski communities) and hospitalizations here are almost non-existent. We’ve been both lucky and good and I’m glad we are keeping it up to give our business-owning neighbors a chance to make a living while providing us all a chance at a sliver of normalcy found through making the effort to show respect for one another.

I was listening to the radio news Tuesday and the debate between politicians and union reps across the country was about the danger of having kids back in classrooms. Well Tuesday marked the 100th day of school for the children of this high mountain village and as principal Sally Hensley reminded me in an email: “Every last one of them have been In Person!” Heck ya! It goes to the spirit and attitude of this place and is absolutely fantastic.

And how good was it to have an actual live event in town? Crested Butte Nordic, which did such an outstanding job when this COVID-19 came roaring through the valley last winter and spring, stepped up huge again this past weekend when they organized a real life outdoor ski race. It wasn’t as big as recent years but just the fact that animals and cartoon characters were zipping around Crested Butte on skinny skis was a blessing.

Yeah – it’s not what it was…but it’s still better — and still different — from most places. That is indeed a blessing.

—Mark Reaman

Profile: David Leinsdorf

[  by Dawne Belloise  ]

As a child, David Leinsdorf was fascinated with airplanes, cars, boats and trains, mostly because his father, Erich Leinsdorf, the renowned Grammy award-winning conductor, always traveled for his work in those modes, so David took an early interest in transportation. “I had a model plane with a U-control,” he says of the serious toy airplane with lines attached to an operator controlled handle. “You’d fly it around in circles until you were dizzy. They had a gas-powered engine, and you didn’t want to get your finger in the propeller because it would break your finger.” David’s interest in cars led the then 10-year-old to sneak off with the family vehicle and drive it up and down the driveway, which later progressed to slinking off with the auto for a cruise around the neighborhood at night when he was 12, “When nobody could see how old I was,” he grins, and adds that his parents never knew.

Raised in Larchmont, New York, a suburb of the city, David attended public schools. Despite his father’s talent and fame, David claims, “I played piano badly and briefly. I never had any talent, but my brother was a good violinist. He had more musical talent than I had but we both gave it up. My father pushed us way too hard. He wanted us to learn music because he felt it was important, but to make a career of it, you had to have a lot of talent and motivation and I lacked both. My mother was a music lover but not a musician.”

David laughs that his interest in high school was primarily girls, but he also skied quite a bit, mostly in Vermont at Stowe and Mad River resorts. “When I started driving legally,” he says, “I’d get in the car with friends and go skiing.” Before he turned 16, he’d buy the weekend tour ski trips offered by New York City ski shops that included transportation, ski pass and lessons at Catskill resorts like Belleayre and Hunter mountains.

David confesses that he wasn’t a terribly motivated high school student. He graduated in 1960, with no idea of what he wanted to do. He enrolled at Columbia College in Manhattan. “I was into jazz and NYC had wonderful jazz. The best job I ever had was after my freshman year in college. I was a waiter at the Jazz Gallery on St. Marks Place. I worked from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. That year, the summer of 1961, the Thelonious Monk quartet played for an entire month.” He also recalls seeing legendary jazz greats such as Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers, Cannonball Adderley and John Coltrane.

In other summers he traveled, visiting his father who was working in Europe. David tells the story of his father’s emigration from his homeland in Austria. “He emigrated in the late 1930s from Vienna when he couldn’t get work in Hitler’s Europe because he was Jewish. He was born into very modest circumstances, no assets or any real reason to stay in Europe, so he emigrated to the U.S. at the age of 24.” His father had warned his mother and aunt to leave, but the challenge of not speaking English dissuaded them. “In 1938, the Nazis came into the Jewish neighborhood, rounded up the women, took them up to the fancy neighborhood and made them scrub the cobblestone streets on their hands and knees at gunpoint. “Erich was right. We should leave,” David’s grandmother told her sister. They left Vienna and moved to New York. David’s dad went to work as an assistant conductor at New York’s Metropolitan Opera, where he made his debut conducting Richard Wagner’s Die Walkure a few weeks before his 26th birthday. “His life’s work was always music,” says David.

“I really fumbled around as to what I wanted to do in college. I only decided on law when I struggled with physics. Pre-law was not a passion, it was by default,” he says, but he also realized that studying law would give him more options, “You could go into government, or to a law firm or go into business,” not to mention the number of different fields of law. David’s parents also encouraged political discussion at their family dinner table, which heavily influenced him. He received his political science bachelor’s degree in 1964 and entered Columbia Law School.

“Girls, jazz and skiing, those were my interests but you don’t have much time in law school to do much but study and for the first time in my life, I buckled down and became a serious student,” he says. Graduating in 1967, David recalls, “I was worried about the draft,” as the Vietnam War was raging, but mumps meningitis at 13 had left him deaf in his left ear which disqualified him from service. After taking the New York bar exam, David worked for the U.S. Department of Justice in the Antitrust Division. He enjoyed the work but after two and a half years, Ralph Nader hired him to research and co-author a book about Citibank. “A very boring book,” David says. “Burned out from working 24/7 on that project and smoking two packs of cigarettes a day, I was a mess.” In June, 1971, he headed west to Telluride to visit some friends, and never returned to live in New York.

He moved to Crested Butte because Telluride didn’t have a ski area in ‘71 and David just wanted to ski. He had first discovered CB during one of the first Arts Fair weekends. “Give Me Shelter was playing at the Princess Theatre and I thought, this town is all right. There were 250 people living here. I liked Telluride better because I think it makes the rest of Colorado look like the flatlands but again, it didn’t have skiing.”
He packed up in NYC, moved to CB on Labor Day weekend 1971 and went to work doing construction. “I tied the rebar in the San Moritz condos foundation and it’s a miracle that it hasn’t slid down the hill,” he laughs. “I bought my first house at 223 Sopris for $16,000 in the autumn of ‘71.” The following year, he opened the first law office in Crested Butte. “At first I operated out of my home and Mary Yelenick, who owned the liquor store with her husband Frank, answered my phone when I couldn’t pick up.” Later, David moved into the Bullion King building above the Alpineer.

Back then, there wasn’t much law work so David continued in the construction trade for another year until becoming involved with politics. Hired as the town attorney, he resigned his position to run for Gunnison county commissioner. “I got involved in politics when Bill Crank ran for mayor in 1972. I worked on his campaign and he was elected. When there was an open seat on the county board, I went to Bill and said, ‘you ought to run for county commissioner.’ He said he was not interested, so I let him know that I would run if he wasn’t interested. Bill didn’t think I could win but I knocked on every door in the county. I stood in front of the post office, Safeway, City Market. I did a lot of campaigning. I ran against two opponents, Dick Eflin and John Rohde, and I ended up winning with 53 percent of the vote.”

David met Sandy Allen in 1976, a local ranch girl who grew up at Jack’s Cabin. Her great-grandfather homesteaded the family’s Allen Lane Ranch that’s still in operation under Sandy’s cousin Curtis Allen. “She was my insurance agent at the Verzuh agency working for Ron Coffey.” Although they didn’t start dating until 1982, Sandy worked on David’s 1978 county commissioner election campaign. “I won in ‘74, ‘78, ‘82 and ‘86. Rikki Santarelli ousted me from a fifth term in the 1990 election. As Myles Rademan told me, ‘In politics your friends come and go but your enemies accumulate.’” David and Sandy tied the knot in 1983. Their son Joseph was born in ‘85, followed by daughter Abigail in ‘88. “It was a very romantic proposal,” David says with a smile. “I said, ‘Sandy, our ski passes are no good this weekend, wanna go get married?’ She said ‘OK.’ We got in my plane and flew to Las Vegas. There was one paid witness at the We’ve Only Just Begun Wedding Chapel.” David learned to fly in 1973 in Crested Butte. “Ron Rouse taught me. He was the owner of Crested Butte Air Service, which ran commercial flights out of CB airport to Aspen and Denver.”
After his long service as commissioner, David turned his focus to his law practice, which then thrived. “And I became involved in school matters. In 1994, Joe Fitzpatrick and I spearheaded a ballot measure to split CB out of the Gunnison RE1J school district because we wanted a high school and the school board would not give us one. They said we didn’t have enough high school-aged students. So Joe and I worked together to put a measure on the ballot to separate the upper valley from the lower valley school district. We lost the battle but won the war—we lost the election because Gunnison didn’t want to lose the CB tax base but they agreed that we could have our own high school.”

David later went on to chair the school’s accountability committee, after Sandy had resigned, and served as chairman for several years, “One of the best accomplishments of that committee was hiring Stephanie Niemi as principal, who is largely responsible for making CBCS one of the premiere public schools in Colorado.”
These days find David taking three- and four-day weekends with his wife, frequently heading off to their Santa Fe casita. “But the reality is,” he smiles, “Sandy’s roots in this valley are so deep that if I wanted to leave, which I don’t, I’d have to leave alone. We do a lot of hiking and one of the nice things about Santa Fe is you can hike year-round. Regarding retirement, I cannot retire because the high point of Sandy’s day is 7:30 in the morning when I leave for the office,” he grins.