
Profile: Lisa Rule

By Dawne Belloise The lines at the post office have lengthened exponentially as the holiday season takes on the frenzy of …

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Profile: Michael Mahoney

Going with the Flow By Dawne Belloise “I’m a hopeless experimenter,” artist Michael Mahoney grins from his upholstered chair in the …

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Profile: Amy Nolan

By Dawne Belloise “Dirt is my church,” Amy Nolan confesses joyfully, fully recovered from a strict Catholic upbringing in Dubuque, Iowa, …

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Profile: Alex Garza

Getting sorted into 81224 By Dawne Belloise Patience is one virtue Alex Garza has learned and he marvels at the generally …

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Profile: Ayla Scott

Royalty of Cluckingham Palace By Dawne Belloise It’s not Ayla Scott who greets you at the former saloon doors of the …

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Profile: Kathleen Mary

Of Shakespeare and Tribbles By Dawne Belloise Tribbles the cat stares unwaveringly at Kathleen Mary from his perch on the small …

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